Monday, March 31, 2008

25% over

I want to blog tonight. Unless you think I'm innately interesting, don't read this!

It's march 31st, I've only blogged four times and the year is 25% over. I feel lame. I 'got busy' last month. Events, life, relationships... let's just say that there wasn't much space for any rumination or reflection in my life, even plain old rest.

And the year is a quarter over.

I have a bad habit of thinking of things in negative terms. I think about what is gone as opposed to what is to come. I guess that makes me a pessimist.

I'm thinking about staff work with InterVarsity right now. I don't know if pessimists make good staff workers. I don't know if we have the idealistic vision, the faith in God's hand, and the stubbornness of spirit (we might have that... in a pessimistic sort of way) to lead student movements. I wonder... I wonder... but on some level I love what I do. I love getting a chance to show people Jesus' plan, Jesus' invitation, Jesus' challenge at such a critical junction in their life. It is an amazing experience.

I lead a track for Multi-ethnic students this past Saturday at IVs ethnic identity and spirituality day conference (we called it Kingdom Identity). It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed facilitating discussions and sharing from my own life and watching God interact with students over their understandings of themselves.

I know I have passions. what are they? the question I have been asking for over four years now and still feel like I haven't answered. What are my passions? How does one find these things out? I have but vague ideas.

Well, at least I have the rest of the year to figure it out right? It will be over before I know it!


Jessica said...

This year is 25% over?!? Wow, when you look at it that way... That is so crazy, where did this year go? Actually, I still think in terms of academic year, so in that way, 75% of the year has passed!

Oh, and by the way, I think you'd make an amazing staff worker... ;)

Sam Phang said...

and i think you are innately interesting.

Jenny said...

aww, such kind comments your friends write about you. :P no, really, I'd agree with them. As for the question of how we find out what our passions are--or at least which of our passions can be pursued through employment--I'm still trying to figure that one out myself. Let me know if you discover any answers! I'm confident that God desires you to be able to tap into your passions, though, so that's some comfort!